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When it comes to reaching the decision-makers in California's schools, the award-winning California Schools magazine beats the competition hands down. Our members provide educational services for more than 99 percent of California's more than six million schoolchildren.

  • As a benefit of their membership, these 5,000-plus school board members each receive California Schools magazine.
  • The nearly 1,000 superintendents in all those districts also receive their own copy of our magazine.
  • In addition, more than 700 business officials and facilities managers at work in California's school districts receive a copy of California Schools magazine each quarter. These professionals influence the purchasing decisions made in schools throughout the state.

Together, these audiences represent the ultimate decision-makers in our public schools.

With our magazine's broad editorial appeal and growing reputation, more and more people are poring over our pages. There they find helpful and illuminating articles on issues they face every day, as well as in-depth interviews with key policymakers, influential researchers and trendsetting colleagues. California Schools does not publish a yearly editorial calendar. This gives us the flexibility to respond to developing events in the education sphere. Our stories showcase the best practices, policies and people that make a difference in the lives of California’s children.

The bottom line — and the best bet for your advertising bottom line — is to advertise in California Schools. Place your advertising in one of education's most respected magazines - and the only one targeted at the audiences that make the ultimate purchasing decisions for schools.

For more information on advertising please contact Nicole Delos Reyes, Program Manager, Business Development.