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Program helps with healthy meals when school’s out 

CDE offers training through early May, seeks signups through June 25

Student wellness advocates are urging schools to take advantage of a federal program that offers reimbursements for the costs of providing healthy meals to students during the summer months when schools are closed.

“In these tough economic times, sometimes the only nutritious meal a child gets is through the National School Lunch Program,” Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson said in a prepared release promoting the Summer Food Service Program. “This program strives to help children achieve by providing them nourishing meals during the summer, which helps students when they come back to school in the fall.”

The program is designed to ensure that school-age children have access to nutritious meals even when school’s out for the summer, or during other extended periods.

Schools, camps, private nonprofit agencies and local government offices are eligible for reimbursement for serving meals that meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines to children who live in areas where at least half of students are eligible to receive free or reduced-price school meals. Agencies can also apply for reimbursement for the cost of serving snacks, and residential programs can claim reimbursement for three meals a day.

Schools and other agencies interested in becoming summer food service sponsors must participate in California Department of Education training—offered now through early May—before their applications can be approved.

This summer’s applications are due 45 days before the proposed starting day of the meal program, but no later than June 25.

Online application materials and 2011 reimbursement rates are available on CDE’s Summer Food Service Web page. For more information, contact CDE staffers Melissa Garza at 800-952-5885 or Dennis Arena at 800-952-5609. They can also be reached by email at and

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