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CSBA connects with its members online 

It’s easy to join the information exchange on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Do you write on walls? Re-tweet compelling news? Follow the weekend adventures of your friends and family through posts and photos? If you’re one of the world’s 500 million active Facebook users, a part of the 460,000 new Twitter accounts established each month, or among the 100 million YouTube views logged each day, you know that social media have become an integral part of many people’s daily lives.

CSBA joined the social media movement in 2009 to keep pace with the ever-evolving ways its members get their news about education in California, and to encourage them to engage in online dialogue and information sharing with other members and the association itself. CSBA’s social media presence has grown ever since, with nearly 850 member fans on Facebook, 500 followers on Twitter and thousands of views on YouTube—and the numbers continue to rise.

The organization will embark on a campaign this summer to encourage more members to join the movement and receive up-to-the-minute budget news, policy announcements, legal updates and informational videos and join in online discussions.

“CSBA is a vital organization, and it’s important for members to feel connected,” said Ellen Driscoll, chair of CSBA’s Annual Education Conference committee and a board member in the Rescue Union School District. “One way to engage is through Facebook and Twitter. The networking and discussions are so valuable for members who want to know about what’s happening right now in education, and for those who want to share their opinions and views with their peers and colleagues. I strongly encourage members to explore this method of sharing ideas—especially as opportunities are provided this year during our Annual Conference.”

Members who establish a Facebook or Twitter presence prior to CSBA’s Annual Education Conference and Trade Show this December will be able to participate exclusively in the social networking before, during and after conference. The CSBA Pavilion will offer hands-on learning and information about social media networking.

Some of the benefits of becoming a Facebook fan, Twitter follower or YouTube viewer include:

  • Up-to-date information: CSBA updates its posts approximately three to five times each week, alerting members to late-breaking education news, state budget updates, legal and legislative information, policy news and more. CSBA Facebook fans and Twitter followers are able to access the news immediately—and sometimes exclusively.
  • “This Just In from CSBA”: the video blog on CSBA’s YouTube channel features subject-matter experts delivering the latest public education news in three- to five-minute newscasts.
  • Informational and timely videos from CSBA on YouTube.
  • Interaction with colleagues from across the state on CSBA’s Facebook page: Members can view what others have posted and comment to CSBA’s or others’ posts.

CSBA provides set-up and privacy information on the Facebook, Twitter and YouTube page of its website for members who would like more information or assistance with connecting via social media; there’s even a video tutorial explaining how to set Facebook privacy settings. Members are also encouraged to send questions or concerns to with “Social Networking” in the subject line.