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AEC Pavilion to be a member hub and Twitter training site 

 A new “member benefits area” at the CSBA Pavilion will serve as an interactive hub for those attending the association’s 2011 Annual Education Conference and Trade Show in San Diego Dec. 1-3.

After three years of draconian cuts in public education funding, with more possible at midyear, it’s even more essential that education leaders get all they can out of the Annual Conference—and the Pavilion, conveniently located at the center of the trade show floor, will be the place to turn with any questions.

The Pavilion will focus on serving the needs of association members, with members of CSBA’s Board of Directors, its officers and staff planning to devote some of their time to answer conference-goers’ queries about legislation, legal issues, leadership development, policies and CSBA services. It’s also a comfortable place to network with fellow conference participants.

‘Tweeters’ wanted

CSBA is recruiting volunteer Twitter “Tweeters”—both school governance team members and association staff, both seasoned social networkers and those new to the media—to learn how to file bite-sized digital updates about what’s happening in AEC sessions and workshops, in hallways and coffee bars, and on the trade show floor.

You won’t have to be a digital wizard, according to CSBA Marketing Director Marci McFadden. Association staff can quickly train anyone interested; just bring your own Internet-ready hand-held electronic device or laptop computer to the Pavilion.

“This is really exciting because anyone can learn to Tweet, which gives them a chance to share what they are seeing, doing and learning,” said McFadden. “We’re talking about short posts of 140 characters or less. This technology provides new opportunities for our members to help each other make the most of their conference experience.”

For the first time, members of the audience will be able to tweet questions in advance of the always popular and provocative General Session on the State of the State on the conference’s final day.

Anyone interested in tweeting for CSBA at the Annual Conference should email McFadden at for more information. 

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• More Annual Conference information