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CSBA kicks off Stand Up For Education: Your help needed 

Tired of the negative rhetoric about public schools and public school students? Help us do something constructive about it!

To change public perception about our schools and students and to ensure public education is prioritized on the public and legislative agendas, CSBA has launched Stand Up For Education, a statewide initiative to share our good news and accurate information about our systemwide successes and challenges. You can get involved by sharing positive stories from your local community about your schools and students through the new Stand Up For Education website and YouTube channel. The website and YouTube channel provide a simple vehicle through which school board members, administrators, teachers, parents, students, volunteers, alumni and members of the community who hire our students can share their personal stories about why they believe in public schools and Stand Up For Education.

Meet the challenge—one story per member district/COE!

“One of the most important ways for our members to Stand Up For Education is to be a champion for public schools within their local communities,” said Cindy Marks, CSBA’s new president. “Our goal is to have every member district and county office of education submit at least one story to the Stand Up website or YouTube channel about the good taking place in their district or COE.”

“The success of our public education system in California is not only evidenced by the data but by the personal accounts of all those who have had a first-hand experience with our students and schools,” explained Laurie Weidner, APR, M.A., senior director of Communications. “We are looking for first-person accounts—personal testimonials—as well as stories about your school programs and school site staff members who are helping students succeed. These stories illustrate to the naysayers that our schools are not ineffective but are advancing student achievement despite many challenges.”

Once fully built out with a rich repository of stories, “the Stand Up website and YouTube channel will be a useful tool for members in their local legislative, community and media advocacy efforts,” Weidner added. Sample blog posts are available on the website. Please include a photo with your submission, if possible. Be sure to review the posting guidelines before sending in submissions.

“These are good news portals. Nothing negative will be posted on either the website or YouTube channel. It’s possible that your district’s photo releases will suffice for this initiative. If students cannot be included in the photo, use other images that illustrate the value of your programs. These tools are designed to promote only the good, so help us champion what’s right with education by sharing your stories,” Marks said.

Download templates to get started

“In my acceptance speech at the Annual Education Conference and Trade Show, I addressed this issue and urged our members to Stand Up For Education by taking the initiative to engage in legislative, community and media advocacy,” Marks continued. “Resources are available on the CSBA website to help you get started. More materials will be available in the new year.”

Stand Up For Education is CSBA’s response to a call to action from the National School Boards Association to promote public education at a state and local level. “Stand Up For Education isn’t just about combating the negativity and misinformation about public schools. It’s a timely endeavor designed to harness the power and influence of our members to set the record straight about the school funding crisis and the successes of our students despite the state’s persistent disinvestment in our schools,” Marks added. “One of the most important messages you can convey right now are the facts about the Proposition 30 funding. Many within the educational community think the school funding crisis is solved. It’s not! You’ll find a new Stand Up For Education fact sheet on this issue.”

Stand Up is designed to unify all of CSBA’s advocacy efforts. Merchandise, including window decals, T-shirts and tote bags will be available for purchase through CSBA’s online store in January.

If you have questions about Stand Up For Education, contact Weidner at 916-669-3244 or via email. Testimonials and videos should be uploaded directly to the website. Every submission will be screened by Communications Department staff before posting.