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Wynns: Advocate for passage of Props. 30, 38  

“Time is of the essence. Take the initiative today to communicate in your local communities about the importance of the passage of Propositions 30 and 38,” CSBA President Jill Wynns urged a group of enthusiastic and highly committed board members, educators, parents and student leaders who gathered at Colton High School in Southern California’s Inland Empire to discuss the state of education and the need for revenue and resources.

Together with state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, Wynns is co-presenting at community forums and taking the lead in media interviews in major media markets around the state to draw attention to the school funding crisis and the need for revenues available through the passage of Propositions 30 and 38. Read more in her Vantage Point column.

Polling to date shows that about 50 percent of all voters support the passage of Proposition 30, with a smaller number supporting the passage of Proposition 38.

“If the polls are accurate, we stand a chance of passing the propositions with a tight margin. We need our CSBA members to stay on message. We need all advocates for public education to get out and vote yes on both funding measures,” Wynns said.
Resources to assist you in your local advocacy efforts are available at