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Sharpen your advocacy skills 

Legislative Action Conference coming to Sacramento

From the latest budget crisis in Sacramento to local campaigns for school bonds and parcel taxes, the need for effective advocacy has never been greater. This year’s Legislative Action Conference, coming to Sacramento May 15-16, will give participants resources and expertise that will help them mount successful advocacy efforts.

Presented in collaboration with the California County Boards of Education, CSBA’s Legislative Action Conference brings school governance teams to the state capital for two days of briefings and strategy sessions, capped by meetings with participants’ legislators in sessions coordinated by CSBA.

This year’s speakers will include Larry Tramutola, a nationally known political strategist whose Tramutola consulting firm has helped clients win more than 500 elections, including 254 tax elections—with most, like California parcel tax elections, requiring two-thirds approval. The result: more than $30 billion in community improvements.

The Legislative Action Conference is headquartered at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, across the street from the Capitol building. The $245 advance registration fee includes lunch, dinner and breakfast, as well as materials; on-site registration will be $255. A block of rooms is reserved at the special conference rate of $179, but reservations must be made by April 20.

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