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Focus on advocacy 

Gov. Jerry Brown has finalized California’s 2012-13 state budget and acted on the “trailer bills” that implement legislative provisions, but the fortunes of California’s schools rest in voters’ hands when they go to the polls Nov. 6.

Brown’s Schools and Local Public Safety Act and philanthropist Molly Munger’s Our Children Our Future Act would both provide much-needed revenues for public education. The alternative? Voter rejection would trigger another round of midyear cuts, which would translate into $457 less for each student—$5.5 billion. 

“I urge you to join your CSBA colleagues in support of public education on Election Day,” said Jill Wynns, CSBA president. CSBA’s Delegate Assembly took a historic vote in May to support both initiatives because each directs needed funds to schools.

“Raise the visibility of the school funding crisis by taking a formal position on both initiatives at your August or September board meeting. Then, plan to join CSBA’s advocacy efforts when the school year resumes. ... The future of our students is at stake. Take action with CSBA today,” said Wynns.

A sample resolution and press release are already available at

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