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Your chance to affect state issues 

Board Member Action Day - May 9

Do you want a say on the 2014-15 state budget? Do you need more funds to help implement Common Core? Do you support Senate Bill 843, the CSBA-sponsored bill to protect California’s students from teacher misconduct by reforming the teacher dismissal process? Do you want to help head off moves to tighten controls over LCFF spending?

If so, then make plans to participate in CSBA’s state-level Board Member Action Day on May 9. A pre-event webinar Thursday, May 1, will equip participants with the background information they’ll need. Then, on Friday, May 9, we’ll have appointments arranged so school governance team members can visit state legislators’ local district offices. We’ll coordinate the grassroots lobbying effort, but we need your help to make it a success.

Board Member Action Day is a special opportunity for board members to join with CSBA to promote the Governance First legislative agenda and make a difference on key policy and legislative and budget issues impacting public schools and students.

Advocating to state and federal lawmakers on behalf of public education is a critical job of school board members. As the only democratically elected body representing the many voices of local communities on education and children’s issues, board members are uniquely suited to advocate for laws that support CSBA’s Governance First legislative agenda. Board Member Action Day is your opportunity to join with CSBA to make a difference.

Look for more information and sign up at