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A look at the 12 Propositions on the 2018 ballot; CSBA opposes Proposition 5 

Of the dozen statewide propositions qualified for the November general election, CSBA has an official position on one measure: CSBA opposes Proposition 5, a property tax transfer initiative.

View all November 2018 statewide ballot measures (Propositions 1 through 12)

View full text of CSBA-opposed Proposition 5

Why CSBA opposes Proposition 5:

Current law:

Homeowners 55 years of age or older (or a severely disabled homeowner) are allowed to transfer their property tax assessment to a new home of equal or lesser value, and may do so only once in their lifetime and this transfer is typically limited to a new residence within the same county, unless approved by the receiving county.

If Proposition 5 passes:

This lower property tax base could follow these homeowners around the state as many times as the homeowner moves without any increases in their property taxes, and without regard to the new home’s actual value or its location in the state.

Proposition 5 effect on local educational agencies:

The Legislative Analyst’s Office estimates short term costs to schools at $150 million annually, growing to more than $1 billion annually. Click here for additional info from the LAO.

Basic aid school districts and county offices of education would be impacted directly by loss of revenues depending on the number of transfers into their jurisdictions. Non-basic aid school districts and county offices would be backfilled by the state General Fund, as currently occurs under LCFF and the Proposition 98 guarantee. Basic aid districts and counties would have no way to recoup lost revenues.

Additional 2018 statewide propositions:

Note: CSBA does not have a position on any 2018 ballot measures other than Proposition 5. Additional information from the Legislative Analyst’s Office is included on each proposition where available.

Proposition 1:

“Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018”

Proposition 2:

“No Place Like Home Act of 2018” | LAO

Proposition 3:

Authorizes Bonds to Fund Projects for Water Supply and Quality, Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Water Conveyance, and Groundwater Sustainability and Storage | LAO

Proposition 4:

Authorizes Bonds Funding Construction at Hospitals Providing Children’s Health Care | LAO

Proposition 6:

Eliminates Recently Enacted Road Repair and Transportation Funding by Repealing Revenues Dedicated for those Purposes. Requires any Measure to Enact Certain Vehicle Fuel Taxes and Vehicle Fees be Submitted to and Approved by the Electorate | LAO

Proposition 7:

Daylight Saving Time

Proposition 8:

Authorizes State Regulation of Kidney Dialysis Clinics. Limits Charges for Patient Care | LAO

Proposition 9:

Division of California into Three States | LAO

Proposition 10:

Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property | LAO

Proposition 11:

Requires Private-Sector Emergency Ambulance Employees to Remain on Call During Work Breaks | LAO

Proposition 12:

Establishes New Standards for Confinement of Certain Farm Animals | LAO