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products and servicesOfferings for governance teams, school districts and county offices of education


The California School Cash Reserve Program helps guard against temporary cash flow shortages in a safe, cost-effective way by creating an additional cash reserve to the general fund. Participants issue Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs) through a streamlined, pooled process. Learn more about our low borrowing costs, flexible use and repayment process, and easy, efficient administration today.

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Golden State Technology provides 360-degree solutions for public schools’ technology needs. Whether you’re seeking software solutions, devices for students, hardware for infrastructure needs, training on new technology or consulting services to help you make the right purchase, Golden State has you covered.

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The Certificates of Participation Program provides funds for capital equipment or real property acquisitions and improvements. Finance construction, renovations, equipment, energy projects and more with fast and efficient financing.

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School districts can save their taxpayers money by refinancing their outstanding general obligation bonds into lower interest rates. However, many smaller refundings cannot be completed because high fixed costs of issuance carve too deeply into potential savings.

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