The "AI scenarios for board members" document provides 21 real-world scenarios that may be encountered by board members, superintendents and LEA technology leaders, along with the relevant policy areas for each. LEAs can use this resource to help address new and emerging issues related to AI, and boards can use this resource when assessing whether their policies in a given area permit, prohibit or require further analysis for a specific use of AI.
*NEW*: This fillable AI Roadmap Facilitation Guide helps governing teams to develop an AI roadmap tailored to their own policies, values and mission.
Local AI Resolutions
Education leaders are at varying stages of AI adoption and integration and can benefit from accessing these materials in one centralized location as they establish a vision for AI use in the preK-12 setting and communicate it to stakeholders. Below are adopted local AI-related resolutions submitted by CSBA members. If you are interested in sharing a local resolution, please email Dr. Naomi Eason at neason@csba.org.