Below are several resources from CSBA and the State of California related to existing immigration policies. Boards should be aware that guidance provided in these resources are subject to change when the new presidential administration takes office Jan. 20, 2025, and potentially begins implementing immigration policy, including in the form of executive orders. In addition, the United States Congress and the California Legislature may pass bills that affect CSBA members either in anticipation of or in response to such policy changes. CSBA will provide timely updates as the legal landscape changes and provide additional resources as needed.
CSBA Resources
Immigration Legal Guidance 12/24
Immigration Policy and Resources Webinar
State Resources
Department of Justice
Bureau of Children's Justice Resource Page
School Guidance Model K-12
Student Family Checklist
Quick Reference Guide for School Officials
Guide for Students and Families: Know Your Rights | Spanish
Department of Social Services
Grantee Contact Information
Refugee Programs Bureau Resource Page
U.S. Department of Education
Resources for Ensuring Equal Access to Education for Immigrant Students