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Service above self: A message from CSBA President Cindy Marks 

Cindy MarksJanuary marks the annual monthlong observance of School Board Month, and my special opportunity, as your president, to commend each and every CSBA member for service above self in the governance of our local public school districts. 

You have dedicated yourself to providing a quality education for all the children in your schools, and this commitment has come at great personal sacrifice. You have missed family gatherings, sporting events and other important celebrations. You’ve taken the time to listen when stopped in the grocery store and have been patient when confronted by upset parents who disagree with a board decision that will negatively impact their child. You’ve had to bear with criticism from parents, staff and students for having to make the tough decisions and cuts to keep our schools fiscally solvent with dwindling funds. And yet you press on with renewed commitment to service above self because you are dedicated to doing your best. I know you feel as I do that it’s all worth it. I love the children in my community and I am grateful to serve.

Your service and the valuable role you play in your communities has not gone unnoticed. Gov. Jerry Brown acknowledged that local governance is central to effective schools in his 2013-14 Budget Proposal, underscoring the importance of local decision making and the significant role each of you play in rending decisions that support the learning and academic advancement of the school-age children of your community. This recognition at a state level is an impressive "high-five" for every CSBA member. 

I am here to give you my own high-five for all you do–all your personal acts of integrity and courage that go unnoticed by your community. Your conscious decision to lead and serve is a testament to your belief in public education and the notion of "service above self"–the foundation of an important leadership trend in private industry called "servant leadership." This is what you do naturally. To be a great school board member is to always put the best interests of the people who elected you, the children and families you serve, as the focus of all decision making. And you do that so well and make it look easy!

I salute your leadership, service and dedication during this special monthlong observance.

I  look forward to all the good work we will do together in 2013.
