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$37 million in technology funds still unclaimed 

Deadline for reimbursement is September 2014

The deadline for making purchases for reimbursement through the California Education Technology K-12 Voucher Program has been extended for another year. The new deadline is Sept. 25, 2014.

The program is funded by a $1.1 billion settlement of an antitrust case against Microsoft Corp., which included millions in vouchers for eligible K-12 public schools to use on computer hardware, software and eligible professional development and information technology support expenses.

To date, only 386 of 1,088 schools with remaining vouchers have spent all of the money available to them, so the claims administrator has extended the deadline for reimbursements. More than $37 million remains to be claimed before the deadline. A list of local educational agencies and the outstanding vouchers they can redeem is available here, and a list of the products and services eligible for reimbursement can be downloaded here

The reason many have not taken advantage of the remaining vouchers is not clear, said CSBA Legislative Specialist Cherise Revell. Many school districts may have forgotten about the available vouchers—which were first distributed in 2006—or may not have been in a financial position to take advantage of the funds during the ensuing recession. In any case, Revell says, “Now is a good time to dust off technology plans and take advantage of the remaining vouchers and the increased flexibility of district funds under the new Local Control Funding Formula,” introduced for LEAs in the new state budget.

How to apply

Eligible hardware includes any new desktop, laptop or tablet computer made by any manufacturer for any operating system platform, and peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, monitors, keyboards, pointing devices. The cost of leasing equipment is also an eligible expense.

The cost of any non-customized software offered by any software vendor for use on a desktop, laptop or tablet computer may also be reimbursed.

CDE advises schools to contact the settlement claims administrator to verify a product or service is eligible before making a purchase. The terms of the settlement also require that schools pay no more than standard academic prices for the equipment or service.

LEAs must purchase the qualifying equipment or service and then apply for reimbursement, which should be processed within 30 days.

Learn more about the California Education Technology K-12 Voucher Program on the CDE website, or from the settlement website at