The program
Having a TSS team of experts review and, where needed, revise the budget, development and control processes and underlying budget assumptions, can help school districts optimize their resources. TSS client districts have been able to reduce waste and direct scarce resources toward the accomplishment of highest priorities for the benefit of their students. TSS professionals have been successful in helping school districts streamline their budgeting process and realize operational savings.
TSS budget monitoring and control processes assist client districts in maximizing the use of restricted funding to enhance available unrestricted funding resources. Our professionally designed budget solutions are based on the unique situation of each district and the needs of the students it serves.
We provide highly trained, experienced professionals who accurately complete required budgetary tasks, prepare reports, and assist with other accounting and school district administrative work.
Visit us online!
4751 Mangels Blvd.
Fairfield, CA 94534
P: 707.422.6393