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Patrick O’Donnell

Chief, Governmental Relations

Patrick O’Donnell joined CSBA in 2023, bringing with him a wealth of experience in education and California politics. O’Donnell has served in California elective politics for more than 20 years. From 2014–22, he served as the chair of the Assembly Education Committee in the California State Assembly. While chair, he pushed for historic investments in the California TK-14 education system and improved school facilities. Through these efforts, he was instrumental in protecting and implementing the state’s Local Control Funding Formula and the need to ensure local control for boards of education across California.

As a long-time middle and high school teacher and legislator, Patrick serves as a credible voice for CSBA. His years of schoolsite experience infused with his legislative tenure are a unique and advantageous combination that serves CSBA well.

Patrick holds a master’s degree in public policy and a bachelor’s degree in history from California State University, Long Beach. Additionally, he is a graduate of the USC School Business Management Certificate Program and holds a California teaching credential.