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COURSE 5: Community Relations and Advocacy | Governance Integration

Prerequisite: Completion of Courses 1-4

CSBA strongly suggests the completion of Courses 1-4 prior to Course 5. The content does build in a progression. For inquiries, please contact

Community Relations and Advocacy

In Community Relations & Advocacy, you will deepen your understanding of the leadership role that county offices of education (COE) play with school districts and beyond. This session explores what the COE role is within the larger community emphasizing how to build strong partnerships with school districts and key community agencies; how to leverage your sphere of influence, and how to use county data to enhance your advocacy efforts. In this course, discover how to use best practices and protocols that can lead to collective improved school safety, better support of your diverse students and their families, and create a larger universe of communities that will support the county’s goals and objectives for schools in your districts.

Governance Integration and Graduation

Governance Integration integrates the concepts of trusteeship and the governance team with the specific jobs of the county office of educations’ boards. This module is designed to stimulate the participants ability to explore in greater detail the concepts and learnings of the previous modules in an effort to deepen your understanding of the entire Masters in Governance curriculum and your role as a County Board Member. At the end of this session, participants become graduates of the Masters in Governance, County Office of Education course and receive a certificate of graduation, an honor recognizing dedication to your role as a county governance leader and demonstrating to your community your commitment to education.


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