CSBA provides a wide range of affordable products and services to save school districts and county offices of education time and money - with a focus on maximizing efficiencies and trimming operating costs. A majority of products and services offered here are derived from partnerships formed through CSBA’s Business Development Department.
Maximize your budget, lower administrative costs and streamline the procurement process with BuyBoard! Since 1998, BuyBoard has been providing local educational agencies with increased purchasing power, lower administrative costs and compliance with legal requirements. BuyBoard vendors have been awarded contracts for products and services through a competitive procurement process, thereby giving members the opportunity for bulk discounts, combined with the ease of online shopping. CSBA is the exclusive provider of BuyBoard in California.
The California School Cash Reserve Program helps guard against temporary cash flow shortages in a safe, cost-effective way by creating an additional cash reserve to the general fund. Participants issue Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs) through a streamlined, pooled process. Learn more about our low borrowing costs, flexible use and repayment process, and easy, efficient administration today.
Golden State Technology provides 360-degree solutions for public schools’ technology needs. Whether you’re seeking software solutions, devices for students, hardware for infrastructure needs, training on new technology or consulting services to help you make the right purchase, Golden State has you covered.
The Certificates of Participation Program provides funds for capital equipment or real property acquisitions and improvements. Finance construction, renovations, equipment, energy projects and more with fast and efficient financing.
School districts can save their taxpayers money by refinancing their outstanding general obligation bonds into lower interest rates. However, many smaller refundings cannot be completed because high fixed costs of issuance carve too deeply into potential savings.
Even fully and well-staffed districts find themselves struggling with the added seasonal work such as budget development while meeting the day to day vigorous demand of district financial management. TSS staff possesses extensive expertise in budget development and specializes in making the budgeting process transparent to staff and the community and thus developing trust in the process and the resulting data that best serves the district.
A comprehensive Facilities Master Plan is an essential element of a district’s planning process. The Facilities Master Plan provides the district with information regarding current and future needs for student housing, quality of the existing facilities, and facilities renovation and expansion requirements to support the district’s educational and programmatic goals. A Master Plan also assists a district in identifying funding needs for capital improvement and developing financing options.
Long-term retention of experienced employees is more cost-effective than seeking and recruiting new ones. At the same time, attracting the best candidates is also vital for maintaining the highest quality staff in your district.
An effective board does more than just conducting meetings. They manage board policy, communicate effectively, and work strategically for the benefit of their organization. The GAMUT board management solution offers a suite of integrated modules that maximize productivity, streamline communication, and stay focused and aligned with what matters most to you.
The GASB 75 Reporting program helps districts and county offices that offer post-employment benefits comply with Governmental Accounting Standards at low, competitive pricing.
As school districts gaze towards an uncertain fiscal future, they are taking stock of how to best allocate the funds they currently possess. With the Legislative Analyst’s Office recent warning that educational funding cuts may be necessary, many districts are reckoning with the potential of a rocky path forward. Prefunding retiree healthcare benefits, known as Other Post-Employment Benefits, (OPEB) into a Section 115 Trust is a helpful tool in smoothing that path and providing potential budgetary relief in difficult times.
Long term obligations, such as OPEB, present a serious fiscal challenge for many districts. Retiree healthcare costs rise regardless of funding fluctuations within the Governor’s budget. Prefunding these critical obligations into a Section 115 Trust is a great way for districts to address those rising costs.
Districts are mandated by law to adopt over 90 policies, and many others are necessary to ensure legal compliance. Due to the passage of hundreds of new laws every year, district policies can quickly become out-of-date. CSBA’s Policy Audit Program can help you make sure that your district’s policies accurately reflect current state and federal law.
Develop a robust and legally compliant policy manual through CSBA’s Policy Development Workshop. Let our policy consultants guide your district or county office of education through the process of developing a manual that addresses key issues and complies with state and federal mandates.
With the continuing risk of COVID-19 exposure, products such as protective acrylic barriers, info graphics, face shields and masks have become essential. Scanning physical documents creates a digital barrier that is equally essential in promoting a touch-less environment. This affords quick access to documents whether physically working in the office or remotely. The program provides LEAs with affordable, customizable options to support the safety of district staff, student and visitors alike.
Property Planning Solutions by DCG Strategies aims to help school leaders explore the ways in which their real estate assets can be leveraged to secure additional funding for district initiatives, equip students with the education and experiences they need to be successful, invest in deferred facilities maintenance and capital improvements, reduce cost and liability from holding closed or grossly underutilized sites, bolster general fund reserves and even attract new staff.
Student centered services and medical care in the school-setting are pivotal to the student’s success. Practi-Cal can assist your LEA in maintaining service compliance and maximizing your federal reimbursement. While in the care of your LEA, a student may receive focused educational and medical services coordinated to obtain desired outcomes. Practi-Cal’s innovations in recording and supporting student medical services sets us apart from other billing firms. The reason is, we do not see recording services as simply a method for billing, but rather a resource for practitioners to collaborate, coordinate, and make care accessible.
CSBA’s Legal Services program is a subscription-based program that provides CSBA members with cost-effective legal advice and legal services. Subscribers receive: (1) access to CSBA attorneys who can provide low-cost legal services on all matters related to public education, and (2) unlimited access to our online Resource Library: a repository of CBAs, MOUs, salary schedules, and legal resources designed to assist members in negotiations.
LexisNexis® Legal & Professional is a leading global provider of legal, regulatory and business information and analytics that help customers increase productivity, improve decision-making and outcomes, and advance the rule of law around the world.
We help lawyers win cases, manage their work more efficiently, serve their clients better and grow their practices. We assist corporations in better understanding their markets and preventing bribery and corruption within their supply chains. We partner with leading global associations and customers to help collect evidence against war criminals and provide tools to combat human trafficking. We endeavor to advance the rule of law across the world.
Safe breathing-zone delivered directly to your district
The air we breathe has become increasingly important, especially in our schools and workplaces. The quality of air has a direct impact on absenteeism, student achievement and teacher retention. Together, we can clean the breathing zones in your buildings and defeat the invisible enemies. We are in the business of saving money and saving lives. Running your equipment efficiently saves you money. We deliver a cross-functional team of experts to find solutions unique to your schools and we’ve been doing this for 20 years. Let us help.
Accidents happen. Are your students covered? To help our members best address the insurance related issues, CSBA has joined forces with California’s leading provider of student accident and sickness insurance. Myers-Stevens & Toohey is a full-service administrator based in Southern California that has worked closely with public K-12 schools for over 50 years.