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Research, guidance and services for effective school board governance
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Research and Education Policy Development Archives
The Uncertain Road Ahead: Reopening Schools in the Time of COVID-19 (6/20)
[Two page summary
Title IX Requirements (8/18)
Policy and Programs Annual Review 2017 - a 134-page compendium of briefs, fact sheets and research (12/17)
The School Board Role in Creating the Conditions for Student Achievement (Full report 5/17)
(Summary 12/17)
| [
PPT presentation
The Power of Networks: Accelerating Collaborative Learning to Improve Student Success 12/17
The California Dashboard: What Boards Need to Know for 2017–18 (11/17)
2016–17 CAASPP Results for English Language Arts and Mathematics (11/17)
Board Self-Evaluation: Results and Recommendations from an Analysis of CSBA’s Board Survey Tool - Fact Sheet (11/17)
The Coherence Framework in Action: Promising Practices for Developing and Implementing LCAPs (10/17)
African-American Students in Focus, Issue 3 - Supporting African-American Teacher Retention (10/17)
Charter Schools in Focus, Issue 2: Ensuring Effective Oversight (10/17)
Local Control and Accountability Plans: Survey of School Board Member Involvement - Fact Sheet (9/17)
California Education Funding: Students Deserve Better, Fact Sheet (8/17)
Competition Cheer as Sport: AB 949 - Fact Sheet (7/17)
Meeting California’s Challenge: Access, Opportunity, and Achievement: Key Ingredients for Student Success (Full report, 5/17)
(Summary 9/17)
Research Spotlight: Unlocking Learning: Science as a Lever for English Learner Equity (4/17)
English Learners in Focus, Issue 4 — Expanding Bilingual Education in California after Proposition 58 (3/17)
Charter Schools in Focus, Issue 1: Managing the Petition Review Process (11/16)
Summer and STEAM Make an Ideal Match (11/16)
Supporting the California Next Generation Science Standards (11/16)
Promising Practices for Developing and Implementing LCAPs (11/16)
Charter Schools in Focus, Issue 1: Managing the Petition Review Process (11/16)
Summer and STEAM Make an Ideal Match (11/16)
LCFF Rubrics, Issue 1: What Boards Need to Know About the New Rubrics (10/16)
Latino Students in California’s K-12 Public Schools - Fact Sheet (10/16)
English Learners in Focus, Issue 1
— Demographic and achievement profile of California's English learners (9/16)
2015-2016 California CAASPP Results for Mathematics and English Language Arts (9/16)
Research-Supported Strategies to Improve the Accuracy and Fairness of Grades (7/16)
English Learners in Focus, Issue 3 — Ensuring High-Quality Staff for English Learners (7/16)
Foster Youth: Supports for Success (5/16)
Our Foster Youth: What School Boards Can Do - Fact Sheet (5/16)
What Boards of Education can do About Kindergarten Readiness (5/16)
African-American Students in Focus, Issue 2 (4/16)
African-American Students in Focus, Issue 1 (4/16)
Integrating Physical Activity into the School Day (4/16)
Concussions in Student Athletes and How to reduce Risk (1/16)
Recent Legislation on Vaccines: SB 277 - Fact Sheet (1/16)
Supporting the Summer Learning Strategy to Boost Student Achievement (12/15)
California's Challenge: Adequately Funding Education in the 21st Century (11/15)
District Funding School Crossing Guards, CSBA Fact Sheet (9/15)
Math Misplacement (09/15)
Climate for Achievement, Issue 4 (7/15)
Climate for Achievement - Issue 3 (6/15)
Why Civic Learning is Critical (5/15)
Drinking Water Access in Schools - Fact Sheet (4/15)
Climate for Achievement - Issue 2 (4/15)
Recent legislation on discipline: AB 420 - Fact Sheet (3/15)
Creating hunger-free schools through the Community Eligibility Provision - Fact Sheet (3/15)
Measles (and other infectious diseases) (3/15)
Climate for Achievement - Issue 1 (3/15)
Improving Student Achievement Through Teacher Collaboration (11/14)
Attendance Awareness Month - Fact Sheet (9/14)
English Learners in Focus, Issue 2 — The Promise of Two-Way Immersion Programs (9/14)
Governing to Achieve: A Synthesis of Research on School Governance (8/14)
Promoting Healthy Relationships for Adolescents: Board Policy Considerations (8/14)
Starting a Breakfast After the Bell Program (8/14)
CSBA memo on LCFF and LCAP regulations (7/28/14)
Coalition comments on LCAP template (7/28/14)
Governing to the Core: Pathway Options for High School Mathematics (5/14)
Special Education Pupil Transportation: Considerations in the Era of LCFF (4/14)
Recent Legislation on Cyberbullying: AB 256 - Fact Sheet (4/14)
The Case for Reducing Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions, Fact Sheet (4/14)
Building the Resiliency of At-Risk Students (4/14)
Understanding Teacher Burnout and Its Negative Effects (4/14)
Common Core Testing: The Smarter Balanced Assessment - Fact Sheet (3/14)
Blended Learning: Key Considerations for Implementing a Blended Learning Program (1/14)
This Just In: SBE Update (video)
CA FWD: Californians seek transparency in local school funding (video) (7/14)
CSBA talking points on LCFF for July 10 SBE meeting (7/14)
Sample letter to the State Board of Education concerning Agenda Item 11 of July meeting (7/14)
CSBA comments on LCFF regulations and proposed template, July State Board of Education (7/14)
SBE meeting agenda for July 10, 2014
Defining Governance - Issue 5, Engaging the Community (7/14)
Defining Governance - Issue 4, Governance Decisions (6/14)
A Governance Perspective: Interviews with School Board Members from the Nine Linked Learning Initiative School Districts (6/14)
Brown v. Board of Education: The 60th Anniversary of the Landmark Supreme Court Case (5/14)
Turning Around a High Poverty District: Learning from Sanger- Fact Sheet (4/14)
Special Education Pupil Transportation: Considerations in the Era of LCFF (4/14)
Recent Legislation on Cyberbullying: AB 256 - Fact Sheet (4/14)
The Case for Reducing Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions, Fact Sheet (4/14)
Building the Resiliency of At-Risk Students (4/14)
Defining Governance - Issue 3, Governance Practices (4/14)
Legal guidance on AB 1266 - Transgender Students (3/14)
Physical Education: A Slow Start to Promising Educational Boost, Fact Sheet (3/14)
Defining Governance - Issue 2, Governing Commitments (2/14)
CSBA summary of LCFF agenda item at January SBE meeting (1/14)
The Linked Learning Approach to High School Reform (1/14)
Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (12/13)
Defining Governance - Issue 1, Why Governance Matters (10/13)
Joint letter to State Board of Education with LCFF recommendations (CSBA, ACSA, CCSEA, CASBO (10/13)
California School Shootings: The Brutal Facts - Fact Sheet (7/13)
Foster Youth: New Study describes demographic and achievement characteristics of California's foster youth - Fact Sheet (12/13)
Addressing the Conditions of Children - Focus on Bullying (12/12)
March 15 Notices - Policy Advisory (3/12)